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Siemens Hu Jianjun: Carbon Footprint Needs Chain Reaction

Siemens Hu Jianjun: Carbon Footprint Needs Chain Reaction


On July 6, the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) was held in Shanghai. During the conference, Hu Jianjun, vice president and chief network and information security officer of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd., was invited to participate in the smart trend forum themed "Smart Assistance Double Carbon, Traceable", which is one of the WAIC industry sub-forums.

In the keynote speech and round table discussion, Hu Jianjun made a wonderful introduction on the topic of scientific and technological innovation accelerating green, low-carbon and high-quality development. He believes that the key to accurate calculation of carbon footprint is the "ruler". There are a wide variety of products produced, and the traditional manual calculation method cannot meet the needs of accurate calculation of carbon footprint. In order to effectively and accurately calculate the carbon footprint in the flexible production process, an accurate "ruler" is needed. Only when the "ruler" is accurate can we obtain true and credible carbon emission data and continue to promote various carbon reduction measures. At the same time, green and low-carbon must be a chain reaction. It is far from enough to rely solely on the power of one company or a leading company. We should use various forces including the government, certification agencies, and enterprises to jointly promote green and low-carbon development and create a healthy and benign environment. low-carbon ecosystem. In addition, enterprises of different sizes face different problems and needs in the process of green and low-carbon development, so the carbon footprint also needs to be "divide and conquer".

Excerpts from keynote speeches:

Accelerating industrial green development is the general trend of promoting global sustainable development. Digital low-carbonization is the core strategy to promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development; the current domestic 1+N policy system, green manufacturing, and overseas markets including the EU Put forward a clear demand; more and more enterprises regard green and low-carbon development as one of the core strategies to create a new type of green competitiveness

  • The carbon footprint needs to run through the entire value chain. Leading enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial chain are all facing green and low-carbon transformation.
  • The core of the green and low-carbon transformation is to empower with technology, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, to solve the challenges of time and cost in the transformation.
  • SiGREEN and carbon footprint series SaaS services, with the help of scientific and technological innovation, help enterprises find out their own "carbon property", gradually build their own carbon management capabilities, and then specify carbon reduction strategies.
  • SiGREEN uses innovative technologies such as energy management and industrial edge computing and digital experience accumulated in the manufacturing process to accurately calculate and trace the carbon emission data of industrial products in the manufacturing process.
  • SiGREEN applies blockchain technology to build an encrypted trust network to realize the credible and secure exchange and sharing of carbon emission data in the value chain, and join hands with partners and suppliers to create a low-carbon ecosystem that runs through the entire chain, enabling industries to achieve green and low-carbon transformation.
  • SiGREEN relies on digital twin/carbon twin technology to realize the digital simulation of the whole life cycle of products from raw and auxiliary materials to production and manufacturing.
How to "divide and conquer" the green and low-carbon development of small and medium-sized enterprises?

Siemens launched a product carbon footprint series of SaaS services for small and medium-sized enterprises, including free entry services and paid selected services, to help them achieve a breakthrough in low-carbon transformation "from zero to one". Small and medium-sized enterprises can go to the open digital business platform Siemens Xcelerator to register and use.

The product carbon footprint series SaaS service can meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises for product carbon emission self-examination. After the enterprise is successfully registered, it can enjoy the 90-day free trial of the product carbon footprint entry service, which meets the online modeling support of the product carbon footprint of the enterprise and the online rapid estimation of the product carbon footprint. , online product carbon footprint analysis report generation, and default requirements for mainstream carbon emission factor libraries.

At the same time, enterprises can pay for carbon footprint selection services, import and export product carbon information in batches, complete carbon inventory report generation and export, use more industry carbon emission factor libraries, and obtain online product technical guidance from industry experts. The carbon footprint selection service realizes the docking with the online verification and certification of mainstream certification agencies. After completing the self-assessment, the enterprise can seamlessly carry out online carbon verification and obtain certification, which is more efficient, convenient and low-cost to meet the company's own comprehensive products. Carbon management and disclosure requirements.

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